All students will take the following subjects: English, mathematics, study of society and environment and science. In addition periods are allotted for art, music, physical education (PE), sport, religious instruction and German (most classes). The Australian National Curriculum (English, maths and science) was introduced in 2012.
Physical education
During summer months, our PE teacher is responsible for the teaching of swimming as part of the school curriculum. Years 1 – 6 attend swimming lessons at Gatton pool during term 1 and 4. Class teachers assist with the program. During the winter months the PE program covers a variety of skills from ball skills to gymnastics.
Languages other than English (LOTE)
Our German teacher takes students in years 5 and 6 for 2 x 45 minute lessons per week. Children study aspects of German culture, including spoken and written language, music, drama, history and geography. It is possible to continue the study of German at secondary level at various schools.
Music program
The classroom music program is designed to give each student the opportunity to become musically literate at an appropriate level, to discover and develop their musical potential and to foster a life-long interest in music. Lessons are based around singing and movement and promote enjoyment and creativity in a supportive learning environment. Confidence is boosted by performance. Recorders and percussion instruments are also played.
Instrumental music is offered to students from years 5 and above. The school has a number of musical instruments that are hired for $20 per semester (this is to cover services etc). There is no fee for the lessons. All students in years 5 – 7 are encouraged to participate in this program.